Everyone seems to be increasingly clear that "you have to be on the Internet" and "you have to be on social networks." But let's face it, not everyone knows how to understand the Internet and social media. The problem is that there are many newcomers, people and companies who are not digital natives and do not really know how a website can produce benefits, nor the essential importance of marketing in order to achieve results. 

There are many wrong ways of understanding the Internet, web pages and social networks. In this post we are going to tell you about some that we have come across. As web development professionals , we believe that if you are going to get into creating a website for your business (whether you are a company, entrepreneur, freelancer or worker ...), you must be very clear about this.

Wrong ways of understanding the Internet and social networks

Why are we talking about understanding the Internet? Because it is very easy today to hit the slap if you get into the world of the Internet, digital marketing and social networks without having a clue.

What's the worst that can happen? Basically:

•That you create a bad web page in which you spend a pasture and that does not produce results.

•That you spend a large amount of money to "buy links" or "buy followers" and not get any results.

•Hire a professional who only sells smoke and doesn't really have a clue of how to devise an effective strategy to sell with your Internet business.

Ultimately, you are clearly going to be wrong when it comes to selling online if you understand it in the following ways.

1. Making a web page is the same as "advertising"

False, creating and investing in a web page is not the same as designing a brochure or an advertising poster. In fact, if the Internet were simply to offer an image and a telephone number to call, all the benefits and advantages of direct interaction with the user would be lost.

So not at all, investing in a website is not advertising. It's much more than that. It is having a place for your business open 24 hours a day, with which you can sell, at least, throughout Spain.

2. Social networks are to sell "spam style"

There are many people who understand social networks as a space in which the only thing that can be done is to share links with your products and services. And this way of selling, which is a very typical spam practice, not only does not produce results, but also generates fatigue and anger in the user, since users on social networks are generally not in "purchase mode".

On the contrary, social networks are an excellent dissemination system for your content, to attract a quality audience to a web page where they will buy.

3. Any type of web page works for me

Lie. There are many web pages that do not generate results, or that, in fact, are absolutely ineffective in attracting traffic. A web page has to be characterized by its good usability, speed, design quality, good web architecture and optimization for conversion.

Not all web pages are useful for selling; therefore, do not trust anyone who makes you a web page of any kind, the important thing is that it is optimized to produce good results, not just that it has a beautiful design and looks very modern.

4. Once you make the website, you no longer have to do anything

Another great falsehood, caused by those who do not understand that the Internet is constantly evolving. For example, all those who made their website in 2004 probably today have a very outdated page that hardly generates trust due to the poor quality of its design.

Creating a web page is not enough to get results. You will have to keep optimizing and adapting it to keep it working in the future.

5. On a web page, the most important thing is the image

This is half true, as the image is very important on a web page. Now, there are many types of pages that will not be of much use to you even if they have a nice design.